Monday, March 16, 2015

Capital Normal University High School Visit

We spent most of the day at Capital Normal University High School where we talked to students, staff and the principal. It was a great visit and the students asked some interesting questions. I really enjoyed the tour and talking to the students and staff. Students have a long day as school starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 4:45 p.m.  They usually have two to three hours of homework.

It was so nice to see a warm welcome to the Northland Pines school District in Beijing, China

A picture of the school with the principal 

Another view of the school

A model of the school

Students listening to my presentation. Note the student uniforms. This was a public school.

After my presentation, the students were so eager to learn about American Education. This was an English class 

Hot lunch

I liked this picture because one student was using chopsticks and the other a spoon

Having lunch with the English Department and the principal 

Saying good bye at the school

Late afternoon we met with a reporter for a Chinese magazine and had a great discussion about education. 

Talking to a reporter 

After we finished the interview, we toured the Summer Palace. It was an unbelievable sight. See the link for a brief history lesson.
Enjoy the pictures I took while at the Summer Palace

It was a great day today and tomorrow will bring another adventure! As my Monday is over here in China, school is has just begun Monday morning at Northland Pines.

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